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Questions or Concerns About Your Order?

Reach out to us in one of three ways: on our shop page at; fill out the form below; or reach out to us at

Bulk Orders?

While we'd love to support your mission to help families create healthy breaking-bread rhythms en-masse in your local body, understand that our hand-shaped trays and fire-branding take time to produce with prayerful purpose. As well, we really believe in the unique excitement that comes with receiving and opening a family package in the mail, as a wedding gift, or alongside the birth or adoption of a child. That said, we're open to discussing your ideas. Fill out the form below or reach out to us at

Fifty & One

One way we hope to engage the poverty of faith-filled family habits is to send out one free kit for every fifty we sell.

Don't hesitate. Reach out!

Get in touch and we'll stay connected.

Thanks for reaching out!

Why do we sell in our AbsoUnpro shop on Etsy? First, because we trust their safe and secure POS system after years of running our shop. But also, well, we like the artsy, crafty, mom-and-pop feel of it.


rethink poverty is the overflow of our family's attempt at pushing back on the poverty of heart, mind, body, and spirit offered by the world around us. We're convinced that redeeming poverty of any kind happens first by faith, and when at all possible, within the home.

2023® rethink poverty

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